About the company

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Nearmedic is a Russian pharmaceutical, biotechnological and medical Company founded in 1989 by a group of scientists from the N.F.Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology. The company activities are focused on the development of new original medicines, their production and introduction into medical practice; development, production and sales of diagnostic test-systems; integrated supplies of laboratory equipment for medical laboratories; provision of medical and laboratory services (through the chain of Nearmedic multidisciplinary clinics), and are aimed at the improvement of health care in Russia.

  • 1989-1994
  • 1995-2004
  • 2005-2008
  • 2009-2011
  • 2012-2013
  • 2014
  • 2015
  • 2016
  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
1989-1994 Founding of the Nearmedic company on the basis of the N.F.Gamaleya Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Release of the monoclonal FITC labeled antibody preparation against LPS genus specific antigen of Chlamidia for the direct immunofluorescence test
Set up of the Nearmedic Plus training center
Development of the ChlaMonoScreen test kit for diagnosing сhlamidiosis
Development and start of production of IFA- and FAT- based kits for diagnosing toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, pneumocystosis, herpes simplex virus, syphilis, various types of mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, brucellosis
Development of test-systems for HBsAg of hepatitis B HepaStrip B virus
Start of joint project with Murex Biotech Company on registration and production of licensed 4th generation test-system for detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus
Launch of production of LimphoScreen and MigroScreen kits for immune status estimation
Production of first diagnostic PCR based kits
1995-2004 Set up of Nearmedic Training Center for experts in clinic laboratory diagnostics of infections
Foundation of Nearmedic clinic and laboratory
Foundation of laboratory equipment department
Start up of pharmaceuticals development
Launch of new production line for GMP standards diagnostic test-systems
Production of proper test-systems for diagnosing syphilis and viral hepatitis C
Nearmedic cooperates with world leaders in diagnostics and lab equipment: Abbott Diagnostics (USA), Tecan (Switzerland), Europrobe (France) and others. Registration and start of local production of IFA kits HIV Ar/At Combotest under the license of Abbott/Murex Company and branded “Nearmedic plus”
Registration and launch of production of Kagocel antiviral agent
Launch of local production of confirming tests for antibodies to HIV (LIA HIV) and to hepatitis C virus (LIA VHC) under the Innogenetics Company (Belgium) license
2005-2008 Kagocel is licensed in Russia as nonprescription pharmaceutical agent
Nearmed is awarded the status of lab equipment and HIV diagnostic kits official suppler within the “Health” National Project framework
Set up of company Pharmaceutical department aimed at Kagocel marketing development and increase of sales through the network of offices and medical representatives in 12 biggest cities and regions of Russia as well as in Ukraine
Registration of enlarged scale of indications for Kagocel use for influenza and ARVI treatment of children over 6 years. Kagocel is licensed in Republic of Belarus
Kagocel registration and start of sales in Ukraine
Deepening cooperation with blood institutions and AIDS fighting organizations. Installation of basic equipment in major part of Russia anti-AIDS Centers. Implementation of automated technologies in routine practice of infectious donor and non-donor screening
2009-2011 Start of distribution in Russia and some other CIS countries of Collost medical products line based on sterile bioplastic collagen material insuring invaded tissues regeneration
Kagocel is introduced into the List of vital and most important pharmaceuticals (LVMIP) and included in federal procurement regulatory system
Nearmedic clinics network expansion and set up of Nearmedic laboratory
Registration in Russia of highly sensitive 4th generation test “Determine HIV-1/2 Ag/AbCombo” for simultaneous detection of antigen and antibodies to HIV in serum, plasma and whole blood. Within 20 minutes it ensures HIV detection at most early stage
Start of local production and sales of RealTime HIV-1 tests for HIV load under Abbott Molecular license and “Nearmedic Plus” brand
Nearmedic supplied the first in Russia Flex-ID complex to FSSB Russian Center for forensic medical examination affiliated to the Ministry of Public Health and Social Development of Russian Federation
Nearmedic clinics network is awarded the Consumer Rights prize founded by Federal Service for control over consumer rights and human well-being
ROSNANO and Nearmedic signed agreement on founding a universal full cycle GMP-enterprise for original pharmaceuticals production. Beginning of “Nearmedic Farma” foundation
2012-2013 Kagocel antiviral agent is awarded the most prestigious prize in effective marketing communication field (EFFIE) – Brand of the Year
Nearmedic Company became laureate of Platinum Ounce 2011, the 12th Russian national open contest for pharmaceutics experts, having won the “Drug of the Year” nomination and the prize in “Vector of the Year” nomination
Kagocel antiviral agent won the “Platinum Ounce 2012” prize in sub nomination ‘Non-prescription agent” of “Drug of the Year” nomination
Nearmedic company, with support of Kaluga region Ministry of Public Health and together with SP “Kaluga Pharmaceutical Cluster”, organized the first regional forum dedicated to early diagnostics of cervix cancer
ROSNANO company declared successful exit of capital of the Nearmedic Pharma company – a ROSNANO and Nearmedic joint project
2014 Three projects of SC “Nearmedic” related to research in biomedicine and molecular diagnostics, having successfully passed the independent expert examination procedures, become residents of Skolkovo Innovations Center
Kagocel takes 1st place in sales (in volume terms) among agents of its segment as for results of year 2013 (DSM group data)
Nearmedic company and Kagocel agent again become laureates of the Platinum Ounce award in nominations “Dynamics of the Year” and “Drug of the Year”
Nearmedic company wins the exclusive right for production and introduction into markets of Russia and other EuroAsian Patent Organization countries of unique antituberculous remedy developed by Nearmedic together with Swiss Federal Polytechnic University (EPFL)
Nearmedic together with Kaluga region Ministry of Public Health, Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPE) and International Union for fighting sexually transmitted infections (USTI RU) give a start in Kaluga region to a unique socially oriented project for early diagnostics of cervix precursor of cancer
Nearmedic clinics network and Nearmedic laboratory become laureates of “Consumer Rights and Service Quality” awards in “Medical Service” and “Laboratory Service” nominations respectfully
As to SC Remedium and Russian Association of International Pharmaceuticals Producers rating, Nearmedic takes 6th position in top 10 of leading pharmaceutical enterprises in Russia
Kagocel wins the Russian Pharma Awards prize
Separator and “centrifuge-shaker” system for separating stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) out of adipose tissue as well as test systems for tuberculosis diagnostics after the PCR method in real time successfully passed expert examination and were approved at the Skolkovo Fund
Kagocel became the most popular antiviral agent against cold and influenza as for sales in volume terms within its sector (DSM group). Informational and analytical periodical “Pharmatzevticheski Vestnik” rates it number 1.
2015 Nearmedic Pharma pharmaceuticals factory starts production
Nearmedic projects for: <br/> (1) setting up Russia's first ever full cycle production line for human genetic identification and filiations agents <br/> (2) development of medical products line for bone tissue regeneration, based on technologies of native non reconstructed collagen separation, were approved by the Industry Development Fund expert council for getting a loan
Drugstore industry experts within the Green Cross award contest voted Kagocel the best non- prescription agents in Russia in 2015
Russian Business Chanel rating includes Nearmedic in top 50 most quickly growing companies in Russia
Nearmedic and Swiss Federal Polytechnic University (EPFL) joint project for development of unique anti-tuberculosis pharmaceutical wins silver prize at Swiss-Russian innovations award named after A.V.Suvorov
Kagocel is again nominated laureate of Russian Pharma Awards
2016 “Nearmedic Pharma” factory wins the “Event of the Year. Russia 2015” contest in nomination “Major project in the pharmaceutical industry of Russia”
After Alforum company data, Nearmedic chain of clinics heads top 10 of favorite private medical institutions
Nearmedic company published report on unique post-registration research of Kagocel agent “Treatment of influenza in Routine Clinical Practice – FLU-EE” and it gets included into international register of clinical trials ClinicalTrials.gov
Information and analytical periodical “Pharmatzevticheski Vestnik” rates Kagocel antiviral agent number 1 in top 10 most influential non-prescription drugs
DSM Group recognizes Kagocel the leader of sales in terms of volume in 2016 among antiviral agents
Beginning of cooperation with Medinnovation Gmbh company
2017 Two companies of SC Nearmedic join Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster
SC Nearmedic laboratory started production of the EPR test (Berlin) for diagnosing cancer at very early, including pre-clinical, stage
Kagocel is registered in National Clinical Protocol in the Republic of Moldova for anti-influenza and –ARVI treatment of children over 3 years
Launch of website on new medical products applied in regenerative medicine http://jointechcell.com/
Nearmedic Pharma production company joins the Union of industrialists and entrepreneurs of Kaluga region
Russia Dentists Association issued Quality Certificate to COLLOST collagen biomaterial
Kagocel brand launched a website myinformedchoice.rf where anyone can share his/her story of making the choice that changed his/her life
Kagocel wins the “Antimicrobial agents for systematic use” nomination of the Product of the Year 2017 award
Kagocel wins the Russian Pharma Awards 2017 again
COLLOST is included into clinical recommendations for treatment of decubital trophic ulcers
Matriflex line of products passed the 1st stage of preclinical trials
PBTZ 169 anti-tuberculosis agent passed the IIa phase of clinical trials (in 13 medical centers) – study of early bactericidal activity (EBA)
National Pharmaceutical Rating declared Kagocel #1 non-prescription agent in Russia in nomination “OTC drugs”
2018 KAGOCEL rendered support to ISU World and European figure skating championships
KAGOCEL in #20 packages was released in the market
KAGOCEL supported the Russian global musical flash mob When Your Girlfriend Falls Ill
KAGOCEL won the Green Cross award in the nomination Medication of Choice for the Prevention and Treatment of ARVI and Influenza
KAGOCEL became the winner of the Product of the Year award in the nomination Antimicrobials for Systemic Use
Matriflex (Nearmedic’s subsidiary company) received the Patent of Invention which will form the basis for the new line of medical products for the regeneration of bone tissue
The Nearmedic company launched Russia’s first ever full cycle production of reagents for genetic identification and establishment of kinship
A research titled Study of Collost 7% regenerative collagen complex efficiency and safety in the correction of age changes in facial skin was conducted using the facilities of the Institute for Plastic Surgery and Cosmetology and the Academician N.F. Izmerov Research Institute for Medicine of Labor
The name for the antituberculosis medicine PBTZ169 received official approval. The official name of the medicine approved by WHO is MAKOZINON
Clinical studies of the antituberculosis medicine PBTZ169 were completed
KAGOCEL won the Russian Pharma Awards in the nomination The Most Often Prescribed Drug in the Treatment of ARVI and Influenza
Full scale in-vivo study of the new line of medical products for the regeneration of bone tissue efficiency and safety was completed. The study was conducted in the framework of preclinical trial and further registration
Nearmedic’s full cycle production production of reagents for genetic identification and establishment of kinship was granted the ISO certificate #18385
KAGOCEL became the leader of the National Pharmaceutical Rating 2018 in the nomination Russian Brand in the Retail Market
KAGOCEL was granted the Choice of the Year title in Belarus
2019 KAGOCEL supported the ISU European Figure Skating Championships 2019
KAGOCEL has been recognized as No. 1 antiviral drug by the DSM Group
Niarmedic received a special prize «For innovative approach in the field of cross-media advertising»
KAGOCEL brand initiatives have been noted by the program «Best social projects in Russia»
The Matriflex company has developed and patented a unique method of purification, modification and sterilization of the derivatives of bone tissue and dermal matrix with the use of a supercritical fluid
KAGOCEL became No. 1 drug to treat SARS and influenza according to Smartpharma® Awards 2019
The Nearmediccompany received a certificate of quality control testing for the Gednap (Germany) DNA typing
A KAGOCEL project became the winner in two nominations of the Silver Mercury festival
A subsidiary of Nearmedic, Matriflex, has developed and patented a method for the production and application of a highly purified mineral matrix with osteoinductive properties designed for the repair of bone defects to be used in the production of the Bongraf APATITE medical product
KAGOCEL took the first place in the nomination «Antiviral agent No. 1 for adults and children from 3 years» at the Russian Pharma Awards 2019
The Nearmedic company received a registration certificate for the express system for detection of drugs and alcohol in human saliva
The chains of Nearmedic and Doctor Next Door clinics announced their intention to create a new company
The JoinTechCell company, part of the Nearmedic Group, received a patent for the method of casting the device for fractionation of adipose tissue
A Nearmedic publication on reagents has been published in the Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series international journal
KAGOCEL was recognized as the best product in the category «Antiviral drug» in the framework of the annual national Consumer Confidence Award RUSSIA’S NO. 1 BRAND® 2019
COLLOST has been included in the international Spinal Cord Injury Recommendations
2020 KAGOCEL supported the ISU European Figure Skating Championships
KAGOCEL became the 2019 No.1 Russian brand in the retail market according to the National Pharmaceutical Rating
The Nearmedic company received certificates of compliance with the EN ISO 13485 and EN ISO 9001requirements for its ESVIEF medical device production
The Nearmedic group and Sistema-Biotech launched contract production of Russian diagnostic kits for detecting coronavirus infection
Kagocel’s advertising campaigns won the Silver Mercury festival awards
In vitro studies showed high antiviral activity of KAGOCEL against COVID-19
KAGOCEL was recognized as No.1 antiviral agent by the Smartpharma Awards 2020
A study of the effectiveness of bone defect replacement with the use of Matriflex COLLAGEN showed that the medical product is comparable in effectiveness to the Geistlich Bio-Oss® bone substitute produced in Switzerland
JoinTechCell LLC, a member of the Nearmedic group, received the first international patent for the ESVIEF set for isolation of stromal-vascular fraction from adipose tissue to be used in regenerative medicine
The results of pre-registration tests of the effectiveness and safety of Matriflex products were published in an authoritative Swiss scientific journal Materials
Nearmedic Plus LLC started mass production of test systems developed by the N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center for the determination of protective immunity to the SARS-CoV-2 virus
The commercial Family Law created by the marketing team of the antiviral brand Kagocel, won at the MedMen Healthcare Creative Awards
Two studies of the drug Kagocel have been included in the international database of clinical trials ClinicalTrials.gov
The ESVIEF received a registration certificate
Kagocel wins Russian Pharma Awards
Kagocel wins the Choice of the Year contest in Belarus

Company mission

Nearmedic” is a “new vision” of the routine. Company business is based on absolute priority to:

  • protection of human health, safeguarding and reconstructing biological systems which have experienced millions years of evolution
  • introduction of the new, based on traditions
  • delicate approach of human organism

Major business areas:

Pharmaceuticals and medical products

  • research and development
  • production
  • marketing
  • sales

Diagnostics kits and laboratory equipment

  • research and development
  • production
  • sales
  • installation of laboratory equipment

Medical service

  • multifunctional clinics in Moscow and in other regions